Mango 🥭

  1. Skin (Exocarp): The outer layer of the mango, which can be green, yellow, red, or a combination of these colors when ripe. The skin is generally not eaten but can be used in some recipes.
  1. Flesh (Mesocarp): The juicy, edible part of the mango. It is typically yellow or orange when ripe and has a sweet, tangy flavor. This part is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
  1. Pit (Stone/Endocarp): The hard, fibrous seed in the center of the mango. The pit is not edible and needs to be removed before consuming the flesh.
  1. Seed: Located inside the pit, the seed can be used to grow new mango plants. The seed is also not edible in its raw form.
  1. Stem (Pedicel): The part that connects the mango to the tree. It is usually removed before the mango is consumed or sold.
  1. Sap: The sticky fluid that can sometimes be found on the skin of the mango, especially when it is freshly picked. The sap can cause skin irritation in some people and should be washed off before eating.

Understanding these parts can help in properly preparing and consuming mangoes, as well as in planting and growing mango trees.